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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Ibara ya: How to use Disinformation to SEO game - 01/09/2010 11:47

Disinformation Final Fantasy XIV Collector's Edition is a tool that has been used brilliantly in war, as a tool of subterfuge to cause an enemy to make an error. If you are a history buff, like I am, you will likely have seen the stories ffxiv Collector's Edition about successful "disinformation campaigns"waged during World War II by the Allies against ff14 cd key the Axis-Powers.The first was called, To soften the landing for the D-Day invasion, the British and the Americans devised a plan to ffxiv item convince Hitler that the anticipated D-Day invasion would arrive at a different location. Operation Fortitude was actually devised to not only convince the Germans that the invasion force would arrive some place ffxiv time card other than Normandy, but it also sought to divide Germany's army to protect to false targets of invasion ff14 item . Fortitude North suggested that the invasion party would cross the English Channel from Kent, England, and push its way into Norway ff14 time card . Fortitude South was designed to convince the Germans that the main invasion of France would occur in Pas-de-Calais, France, 307-kilometers or 181-miles north of Normandy, ffxiv key France. Operation ffxiv account Fortitude has been suggested by historians to be one of the most successful deception operations of WWII and arguably the most important deception campaign of the war. Both Fortitude North and Fortitude South were related to a wider ff14 power leveling deception plan called , which laid the groundwork for the successful the invasion of France at Normandy Beach (Operation Overlord) ff14 item . In Operation Mincemeat, British Intelligence outfitted a corpse with a locked briefcase, filled with war plans designed to convince the German High Command that the Allied invasion would occur in ff14 power leveling Greece and Sardinia in 1943. The British dropped the corpse into the sea, equipped it with fake invasion ffxiv item plans, and arranged for the body to float up on the beaches of Spain, where the Axis-Powers would discover the corpse and the contents of the briefcase ffxiv cd key . This ruse successfully convinced the Germans to expect the invasion in Greece and Sardinia, instead ff14 gil of the real target of Sicily. In 1941, British entertainment star and magician, Jasper Maskelyne was added to the mix of Allied tools in the battle against the Germans in Eastern Africa, when he was assigned to a unit called A Force, which was ffxiv power leveling dedicated to counter-intelligence and deception. Maskelyne ffxiv item wove together a number of illusions that tricked the Germans into dropping their bombs on realistic-looking harbors that did not exist and preventing German pilots from being able to see the Suez Canal during ff14 power leveling bombing raids. But Maskelyne was most effective during Operation Bertram, prior to the battle of El Alamein, when he helped the Allies create deceptions that would help lead to the Allied-Forces ffxiv gold defeating the Germans in Africa. The ffxiv power leveling Allies intended to attack the German line at the northernmost point of the German forces in Africa. Fortunately, Maskelyne was successful at creating an illusion that convinced the Germans that the focal point of the attack would ffxiv gil come from 30-miles to the south, and that the attack would take longer to prepare than was actually necessary. At the beginning of the operation, the Allies ff14 accounts dumped waste containers at the northern end of the line and threw camouflage over the waste equipment. This the German aerial recognizance ff14 gil teams noticed immediately. Then the Germans continued watching this location for an extended period of time. After a measure of time passed and no additional activity appeared to be taking place at this location, the Germans began ffxiv cd key to ignore the location.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Ibara ya: The Art Of War - 01/09/2010 11:49

The Art WoW Cataclysm Collector's Edition Of War, by Sun Tzu, has historically taught generals how to fight battles and win wars, but in the modern age, it has also become required reading for many business schools in their MBA programs. In understanding how to win wars, you can more easily understand Cataclysm Collector's Edition the battles that you will engage in the course of business. I have read The Art Of War dozens of times ff14 powerleveling and recommend it to anyone who is serious about becoming successful in the business world. The Art Of War discusses not only the principles ffxiv cd key and tactics used in warfare, but it also discusses how to keep the loyalty of your soldiers and how to win the hearts and minds of the people, whose support you will need to survive, after conquest of the army ff14 gold. This brings us to the point of this article... Throughout ffxiv cd key he ages, disinformation and deception has played a role in military victories over their enemies. Even the Trojan Horse was a deception used to bring down the City of Troy in ancient times. Disinformation and deception was even clearly ffxiv account in use during the first Gulf War, when U.S. Marines formed in the Persian Gulf, just off of the beaches of Kuwait, preparing for what appeared to be invasion from sea that resembled many great landings during ffxiv gil WWII. As we know, General Schwarzkopf executed an end-around during the first Gulf War, where the primary ff14 cd key invasion force entered Iraq from the deserts of Saudi Arabia and closed in on the Iraqi forces arrayed in Kuwait awaiting ff14 gil a full frontal-invasion from the Allies. Of course, in the first Persian Gulf War, the anticipated invasion onto the beaches of Kuwait never came... Nor did the Northern invasion of Iraq from the Mediterranean ffxiv time card Sea, through Turkey, in the second Gulf War. Once ffxiv gold the Germans began to ignore the location, the Allied-Armies started replacing the refuse with actual supplies and equipment under the cover of night. To support the idea that the attack would be ff14 power leveling launched further to the south, a fake water-pipeline was being constructed across the desert stretching to a southern point along the German line. The slow construction of this water-pipeline was what helped ffxiv gil convince the ff14 time card German high command that the attack would come at a much later date. Maskelyne's brilliance was obvious when he created optical illusions that allowed the Allies to camouflage 1,000 tanks as lorries, at the northern ff14 gil end of the German line. But then Maskelyne's team constructed 2,000 fake tanks and equipment that convinced German recognizance that the real build-up was taking place 30-miles to the south, a ff14 cd key location that the water-pipeline was being designed to reach... As a result, ffxiv gold when the Allies moved to break the German line, they found easy penetration as the heavy build-up of defensive forces were located 30 miles to the south of the actual invasion force. If the search engines are mostly ignoring the Meta ffxiv power leveling Keyword tag and your competitors are using it to uncover important business intelligence about your company, doesn't it make ff14 item sense to throw all of your junk keywords into the Meta Keywords tag? Especially, when you have discovered keyword phrases that only cost you money, without providing you the Return-on-Investment you need to be profitable, ffxiv power leveling then it is time to use those keywords in a disinformation campaign to lead your competitors to the wrong conclusions about how you drive traffic to ff14 item your website...

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Ibara ya: Girl Abs Are The Envy Of Every Woman - 01/09/2010 11:51

Get ffxiv Collector's Edition those cool looking Girl Abs and lose your tummy fat. wish to get more attention from your peers or probably another look from that cute guy you've been eyeing on for a long while? I'm sure you would want them Cataclysm Collector's Edition to turn green in envy when you show off your perfectly sculpt girl abs. Yes I'm not talking about garments, jewelry or costly stuff but ffxiv key something you can accomplish through robust backbone and persistency. Your friends can't simply have this one of a kind asset over night so they'll ff14 cd key have to do what you have been thru to get girl abs like yours. It is common for girls to compare themselves with other female ffxiv item that is why they go thru a lot of physical exercise programmes to realize the same physique like the majority of those models ff14 accounts and actresses they usually see on TVs and poster advertisements. These icons serve as their inspiration in achieving their goal of having abs to die for. Perhaps your girl chums also do some exercise ff14 power leveling programmes, engage themselves in a good diet but the major secret is for you to reveal. Most typical myth when girl abs is ff14 item concern is they do come in sections. Yes, it's correct they're composed of layers of tight muscles but you don't have to go all of the way in doing separate workouts for each of them. Luckily , these muscles will at last ffxiv power leveling contract with one another if asked to do something. You can assign a particular exercise for a certain section but don't do it often because you should always ffxiv account focus on them as a whole. It will be a big challenge for your muscles if you try to do exercises that decrease your balance. There are ff14 power leveling 2 examples that I'm able to share to you ; the 1st one is to do your crunches in a stability ball instead of your usual routine of doing it on the floor. 2nd is putting your push ups in a higher level, like placing an exercise ball under your ff14 gold arms or under your feet and start from there. naturally, taking your exercises to a higher level ffxiv gold needs your outmost care. Decreasing your balance during your workouts might lead you on rolling off so better prepare precautionary tools ff14 gil like spotter to prevent further injury. But hey, you don't have to look crazy while doing a handful of ffxiv gil exercise programs and a tremendous effort. You would not see any result if you decide to follow these steps alone. Do not let stupidity get in the way ffxiv power leveling of achieving your ideal abs. You wouldn't want to be like most people out there who hope to lose their belly fats by augmenting the quantity of exercises concentrating on their stomach. It was just the most serious mistake ff14 item that revolves around when performing wrong workouts. Tons of crunches and sit ups will not be enough, ff14 power leveling that I tell you. With these secrets unfold, your friends' main goal will be pretty much like yours, have girl abs for all of you to flaunt and others to adore. . Annie Valdez is the original Girl Abs. She is interested in ff14 gold helping you to get the girl abs that you deserve. Learn how to lose tummy fat with new technology and guaranteed results. Did you know that sit up's are a ffxiv cd key waste of time? Crunches? Forget it. They don't work. Go from huge sizes to petite sizes. You can do it.